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Don't worry; you're with the expert...

TEKOSIS TECHNOLOGY, we combine our 14 years of experience in the industry with R&D and engineering services to offer flexible solutions that will simplify your projects. Our company primarily operates in sectors where fuel and fuel-derived chemical products are used, focusing on mechanical and electromechanical infrastructure projects, fuel and fuel derivative monitoring automation systems, fuel distribution and control equipment, as well as custom-designed filling control systems for customers serving these sectors.

Our Contact Information

Mescit District Democracy Street Birmes Industrial Site B: 11 Block No: 15 Tuzla / Istanbul / Türkiye

+90 216 378 43 62 / 378 48 62 

+90 850 622 21 05

+90 533 473 55 81

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Tekosis teknoloji


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Ziraat veri merkezi
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Fabrika dolum sistemleri
Fabrika yağ dolum sistemleri
İstanbul büyük şehir belediyesi yakıt sistem kurulumu
Fabrika dolum sistemleri
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